Tuesdays 6:00pm-7:30pm
6-12 people per class make it run smoothly. to reserve a spot as they fill quickly!
$30 per class
Contact Danielle by text at 619.876.1530
or email at Dlbcardiotennis@gmail.com

Cardio Tennis At LMTC
This high-energy, fitness based, tennis class offers benefits for both tennis players AND non-tennis players of all ages! Through the utilization of various training equipment, special tennis balls, and upbeat music, Cardio Tennis will not only increase your cardiovascular endurance, but enhance your tennis performance as well!
While other activities will give you a great workout, Cardio Tennis challenges you in so many ways. Running, moving sideways, stretching, etc. Your heart rate will also go through high intensity segments followed by a short period of recovery. This is very similar to interval training. One of the major benefits is that you will have a much more social experience. Players in Cardio Tennis socialize and have fun! You are not drearily confined to a boring machine like you are in many other fitness activities.
Danielle Dutton
LMTC's certified Cardio Tennis instructor is here to help you achieve or maintain your optimal tennis conditioning. Get one of the best workouts available! Join her every week, Tuesday and or Sunday.
You will be in good hands with Danielle's backgound in health and nutritional sciences.